Susan Corrigan has been WMCT arts administrator for nearly 20 years. She was the third part-time only administrator in this still mainly volunteer-run organization.
Hired in September 1995 by past president Betty Gray, Susan became the organization’s voice and face – on the telephone and through her presence at concerts and events – as well as the main cog in the large and ever-turning WMCT wheel.
She witnessed and was part of many changes, developments, and expansions, especially with the Foundation’s inception in 2000. During the last 19 years, volunteers, boards, and presidents have come and gone and Susan has been the mainstay and linchpin. Her knowledge of the people, events, and history is unparalleled. But in addition she’s patient, kind, and extremely wise; we all turn to Susan for advice on both small and large issues.
As current president I have relied on Susan for so much, but didn’t imagine the day when she would no longer be the arts administrator. Imagine my shock (and dismay) when she told me last March that she would like to retire at the end of June! Thankfully with three months’ notice, as well as Susan’s willingness to continue helping out in the office occasionally on an ad-hoc basis, the transition to the new arts administrator, Neva Peykova, has been remarkably smooth.
And, fortunately, Susan will not be leaving us altogether – she has agreed to be an honorary adviser as well as a Foundation board member. Members will continue to see Susan at concerts, not in her customary role and place but instead she will no doubt look very relaxed, for the first time she’ll be able to enjoy the music without distractions.
On behalf of all the WMCT members, volunteers, board members, and presidents active during Susan’s years as arts administrator, I extend our most sincere and grateful thanks for her commitment, outstanding work, and for always steering us in the right direction. Susan will certainly be remembered for her crucial role in the ongoing success of this unique and hallowed organization.
Warmest wishes for a long and happy retirement!
Annette Sanger,